
Friday, November 20, 2020

Minecraft Tree house

Our treehouse has one living room one bedroom It has a Halloween room a snow room and the   jungle room. and we're working on the Kitchen My buddy is Maeve On the outside the grass is long And it has a outdoor area. The jungle room has heaps of chest and a balcony.Snow room has the living room in it.The Halloween room has Punk pumpkins it's made of pumpkins and it has a creepy and skeleton heads.

Friday, August 7, 2020

For Sale: Minecraft Tiny House!

Are you looking for a Minecraft dream home?

Well you're in luck it has a double bed, a kitchen and a blast furnace.  It has a balcony on the roof and  a garage that has a door that can go int the house.  The garden has 2 sunflowers and heaps and heaps of blue flowers the price is $10,000 Minecoins.